Mon. April 27 10AM and 7PM LADIES BIBLE STUDY at Stockport UMC
Tues. April 28 7PM VBS organizational meeting at Stockport UMC
Thurs. April 30 7PM BIBLE STUDY Stockport UMC
Fri may 1 7PM BASKET AND PURSE BINGO at South Parkersburg Eagles. Tickets are $30
and includes 20 games and supper provided by Panera Bread.
Thurs. May 7 10AM CHURCH CLEAN UP at Stockport UMC
MISSION TRIP -Teresa Lauer is trying to put together a mission team to go to Honduras. If interested contact her at 559-2126.
YARD SALE - June 4 and 5 at the Church. All proceeds goes to the youth fund to help with camps and other youth activities.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Pray For One Another
Diane Barnett - liver disease-needs transplant
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Dick Smith - cancer - Faye Richard's brother
Sadie Reese - cancer - Rob Brokaw's fiancee
Dick Cooper - back
Christy Raines - recovering from surgery and brain cyst was benign, continued remission from leukemia
Tillie West - falling
Dylan Welsh - recovering from fall
Trishelle Taylor - recovering from knee surgery
Nettie McDaniel-failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's mother
Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
Tim Matheney - cancer
Tina Simmons - pray - lift up
Tammy Montgomery - fertility
M.G. - fertility
Al Ratcliff - cancer and his family-Tonya's friends
Mark Simmons - job concerns
VBS and leaders - Stacey and Tonya Dodd
Sunday School - teachers and the youth Ashley Lauer - traveling
Linda Buzzard - unspoken Cheryl Hanley and Family - Father passed away - Tonya's friend
Youth that will be attending church camp
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth.
Thanks from Tina Simmons for all Prayers.
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Dick Smith - cancer - Faye Richard's brother
Sadie Reese - cancer - Rob Brokaw's fiancee
Dick Cooper - back
Christy Raines - recovering from surgery and brain cyst was benign, continued remission from leukemia
Tillie West - falling
Dylan Welsh - recovering from fall
Trishelle Taylor - recovering from knee surgery
Nettie McDaniel-failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's mother
Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
Tim Matheney - cancer
Tina Simmons - pray - lift up
Tammy Montgomery - fertility
M.G. - fertility
Al Ratcliff - cancer and his family-Tonya's friends
Mark Simmons - job concerns
VBS and leaders - Stacey and Tonya Dodd
Sunday School - teachers and the youth Ashley Lauer - traveling
Linda Buzzard - unspoken Cheryl Hanley and Family - Father passed away - Tonya's friend
Youth that will be attending church camp
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth.
Thanks from Tina Simmons for all Prayers.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We give thanks for all that God has already given you and we welcome you in Christian love. As members in the body of Christ and in this congregation of the United Methodist Church, we renew our covenant faithfully to participate in the ministries of the Church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and our witness, that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. We welcome Jeremy Jones, Kobi Bennington and Cameron Hogue.
Mon. April 20 10am & 7pm LADIES BIBLE STUDY at Stockport UMC
Wed. April 22 7pm CONTEMPORARY SERVICES at Stockport UMC
Thurs. April 23 7pm BIBLE STUDY at Stockport Umc
Thurs. May 7 10am CHURCH CLEAN UP at Stockport UMC
PIZZA TRAILER - fund raiser (for Ashley Lauer's Honduras Missionary Work) at the old gym in Stockport on April 24Th & 25Th from 3:30pm - 9pm
BINGO - Ashley Lauer & Samantha Butterfield are planning a basket and purse bingo fund raiser for Friday May 1st in Parkersburg. Mark your calendars. See Teresa for tickets.
MISSION TRIP - Teresa Lauer is trying to put together a mission team to go to Honduras. If interested contact her at 559-2126.
YARD SALE - June 4Th & 5Th at the Church. All proceeds go to the youth fund to help with camps and other youth activities.
Wed. April 22 7pm CONTEMPORARY SERVICES at Stockport UMC
Thurs. April 23 7pm BIBLE STUDY at Stockport Umc
Thurs. May 7 10am CHURCH CLEAN UP at Stockport UMC
PIZZA TRAILER - fund raiser (for Ashley Lauer's Honduras Missionary Work) at the old gym in Stockport on April 24Th & 25Th from 3:30pm - 9pm
BINGO - Ashley Lauer & Samantha Butterfield are planning a basket and purse bingo fund raiser for Friday May 1st in Parkersburg. Mark your calendars. See Teresa for tickets.
MISSION TRIP - Teresa Lauer is trying to put together a mission team to go to Honduras. If interested contact her at 559-2126.
YARD SALE - June 4Th & 5Th at the Church. All proceeds go to the youth fund to help with camps and other youth activities.
Pray For One Another
Diane Barnett - liver disease-needs transplant
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Dick Smith - cancer - Faye Richard's brother
Sadie Reese - cancer - Rob Brokaw's fiancee
Dick Cooper - back
Christy Raines - recovering from surgery and brain cyst was benign, continued remission from leukemia
Basil Boggs family
Dylan Welsh - recovering from fall
Trishelle Taylor - recovering from knee surgery
Nettie McDaniel-failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's mother
Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
VBS and leaders - Stacey and Tonya Dodd
Sunday School - teachers and the youth
Tina Simmons - approval for licensing for ministry
Ashley Lauer - traveling
Linda Buzzard - unspoken
Tammy Montgomery - fertility
M.G. - fertility
Cheryl Hanley and Family - Father passed away - Tonya's friend
Youth that will be attending church camp
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Dick Smith - cancer - Faye Richard's brother
Sadie Reese - cancer - Rob Brokaw's fiancee
Dick Cooper - back
Christy Raines - recovering from surgery and brain cyst was benign, continued remission from leukemia
Basil Boggs family
Dylan Welsh - recovering from fall
Trishelle Taylor - recovering from knee surgery
Nettie McDaniel-failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's mother
Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
VBS and leaders - Stacey and Tonya Dodd
Sunday School - teachers and the youth
Tina Simmons - approval for licensing for ministry
Ashley Lauer - traveling
Linda Buzzard - unspoken
Tammy Montgomery - fertility
M.G. - fertility
Cheryl Hanley and Family - Father passed away - Tonya's friend
Youth that will be attending church camp
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Pastor Debbie Malec Follows Stockport UMC
Pastor Debbie Malec, Welcome and thank you for following our blog!
Mon. Apr 13 10am and 7pm LADIES BIBLE STUDY at Stockport UMC
Wed. Apr 15 10am QUILTING in the fellowship hall - everyone welcome
Wed. Apr 15 7pm CONTEMPORARY SERVICES - Stockport UMC
Thu. Apr 16 7pm BIBLE STUDY - Stockport UMC
Sat. Apr. 18 7:30am - Men's Breakfast
8:00am - Kids Shop Breakfast
9 - 11:30 - Kids Shop
PIZZA TRAILER - fund raiser (for Ashley Lauer's Honduras missionary work) at the old gym in Stockport on April 24 & 25Th from 3:30pm - 9pm
BINGO - Ashley Lauer & Samantha Butterfield are planning a basket and purse bingo fund raiser on Friday, May1st in Parkersburg. Mark your calendars. See Teresa for tickets.
MISSION TRIP - Teresa Lauer is trying to put together a mission team to try to go to Honduras. If interested contact her at 559-2126.
Wed. Apr 15 10am QUILTING in the fellowship hall - everyone welcome
Wed. Apr 15 7pm CONTEMPORARY SERVICES - Stockport UMC
Thu. Apr 16 7pm BIBLE STUDY - Stockport UMC
Sat. Apr. 18 7:30am - Men's Breakfast
8:00am - Kids Shop Breakfast
9 - 11:30 - Kids Shop
PIZZA TRAILER - fund raiser (for Ashley Lauer's Honduras missionary work) at the old gym in Stockport on April 24 & 25Th from 3:30pm - 9pm
BINGO - Ashley Lauer & Samantha Butterfield are planning a basket and purse bingo fund raiser on Friday, May1st in Parkersburg. Mark your calendars. See Teresa for tickets.
MISSION TRIP - Teresa Lauer is trying to put together a mission team to try to go to Honduras. If interested contact her at 559-2126.
Pray For One Another
Diane Barnett - liver disease needs transplant
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Dick Smith - cancer - Faye Richard's Brother
Dick Cooper - back
Sadie Reese - tumor - Rob Brokaw's fiancee
Rob Gwennap - surgery - Robin Perry's Brother
Christy Raines - brain cyst - surgery - recovery and continued remission from leukemia
Nettie McDaniel - failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's Mother
Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
Tammy Montgomery - fertility
M.G. - fertility
Dave and Amy Konkler
Linda Buzard - unspoken
VBS & Leaders - Stacey & Tonya Dodd
Tina Simmons - approval for licensing for ministry
Youth that will be attending Church camp
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
National Leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and and their Families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth.
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Dick Smith - cancer - Faye Richard's Brother
Dick Cooper - back
Sadie Reese - tumor - Rob Brokaw's fiancee
Rob Gwennap - surgery - Robin Perry's Brother
Christy Raines - brain cyst - surgery - recovery and continued remission from leukemia
Nettie McDaniel - failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's Mother
Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
Tammy Montgomery - fertility
M.G. - fertility
Dave and Amy Konkler
Linda Buzard - unspoken
VBS & Leaders - Stacey & Tonya Dodd
Tina Simmons - approval for licensing for ministry
Youth that will be attending Church camp
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
National Leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and and their Families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday 5Th LENTEN SERVICE at Malta UMC
6pm Palm Sunday Parade
7pm McConnelsville First Presbyterian Church
Speaker - Pastor Steve Smith
Monday 6Th LADIES BIBLE STUDY at Stockport UMC
10am- cancelled
7pm at Stockport
Stuff Easter Eggs at Jack Horner's House
Tuesday 7Th BOARD MEETING at Oakland UMC 7pm
Wednesday 8Th CONTEMPORARY SERVICE - Stockport UMC 7pm
Stockport UMC at 7pm
George & Ruth Curtis 30 year Anniversary!
SERVICE - 12 Noon at Grace UMC/McConnelsville
Speaker - Rick Bennington
***Bring all items to Church for Community Egg Hunt
which is on Saturday
Continental Breakfast after the Service
9am Oakland
11am Stockport
50 Th ANNIVERSARY CARD SHOWER- Kenny and Janice Baker on April 13Th. The address is 229 E. Livingston Street Celina, OH 45822
Pizza Trailer Fund Raiser (for Ashley's Honduras mission) in Stockport on April 24Th and 25Th from 3:00 to 11:00pm. Please see Teresa Lauer if you can help.
Sunday 5Th LENTEN SERVICE at Malta UMC
6pm Palm Sunday Parade
7pm McConnelsville First Presbyterian Church
Speaker - Pastor Steve Smith
Monday 6Th LADIES BIBLE STUDY at Stockport UMC
10am- cancelled
7pm at Stockport
Stuff Easter Eggs at Jack Horner's House
Tuesday 7Th BOARD MEETING at Oakland UMC 7pm
Wednesday 8Th CONTEMPORARY SERVICE - Stockport UMC 7pm
Stockport UMC at 7pm
George & Ruth Curtis 30 year Anniversary!
SERVICE - 12 Noon at Grace UMC/McConnelsville
Speaker - Rick Bennington
***Bring all items to Church for Community Egg Hunt
which is on Saturday
Continental Breakfast after the Service
9am Oakland
11am Stockport
50 Th ANNIVERSARY CARD SHOWER- Kenny and Janice Baker on April 13Th. The address is 229 E. Livingston Street Celina, OH 45822
Pizza Trailer Fund Raiser (for Ashley's Honduras mission) in Stockport on April 24Th and 25Th from 3:00 to 11:00pm. Please see Teresa Lauer if you can help.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Palm Leaf Cross

Here are Mike and Anita's written instructions:
START with a long vertical strip of palm as shown in the upper left drawing.
Step 1 - Make a diagonal fold near the middle of the strip so that the top part of the strip extends out to the right.
Step 2 - Fold C over B so that the top of strip extends to the left.
Step 3 - Fold C end under B so that top of strip extends to the right again.
Step 4 - Fold A under B and through slot and pull tight (shape looks almost the same but B now has more slots).
Step 5 - Bring A end up and through bottom slot at B and pull half way through and tuck A into top slot at B.
Step 6 - Bring C end over and through right slot at B and pull half way through and tuck C into left slot at B.
CINDY'S NOTES: In step 4 be sure to pull end A all the way through, snug and tight but gently. It is this step that creates the flat knot that has the slots you will use in steps 5 and 6. When you have completed step 6, push/pull to adjust the limbs of the cross and shape it.
The size of the cross depends on the size of the palm strip that you use.Example: A palm strip size 13" long x 1/2 " wide, will create a cross that is approximately 2 1/2 inches tall.
You can pin the small palm crosses on your lapel. Larger crosses can hang on the frames of religious pictures, statues, grave stones, etc... in a place of respect because the palms have been blessed.
This Easter palm craft was taught to me by Anita Visoky of Ohio, USA.
The "palm cross" helps us to remember the sacrifice of the Easter Passion, throughout the year. Please, share this activity with your children as a way of celebrating Palm Sunday and pass on the tradition into the millenium.
There are other palm craft traditions in the world and I wonder if anyone can tell me about them. They are disappearing as time goes on. I am collecting palm weave craft ideas and the instructions. Even if you can not remember how to make them, perhaps you can describe an unusual design to me and I will research it. In the future I will re-create and illustrate the instructions, to share and to pass along at Easter time.
START with a long vertical strip of palm as shown in the upper left drawing.
Step 1 - Make a diagonal fold near the middle of the strip so that the top part of the strip extends out to the right.
Step 2 - Fold C over B so that the top of strip extends to the left.
Step 3 - Fold C end under B so that top of strip extends to the right again.
Step 4 - Fold A under B and through slot and pull tight (shape looks almost the same but B now has more slots).
Step 5 - Bring A end up and through bottom slot at B and pull half way through and tuck A into top slot at B.
Step 6 - Bring C end over and through right slot at B and pull half way through and tuck C into left slot at B.
CINDY'S NOTES: In step 4 be sure to pull end A all the way through, snug and tight but gently. It is this step that creates the flat knot that has the slots you will use in steps 5 and 6. When you have completed step 6, push/pull to adjust the limbs of the cross and shape it.
The size of the cross depends on the size of the palm strip that you use.Example: A palm strip size 13" long x 1/2 " wide, will create a cross that is approximately 2 1/2 inches tall.
You can pin the small palm crosses on your lapel. Larger crosses can hang on the frames of religious pictures, statues, grave stones, etc... in a place of respect because the palms have been blessed.
This Easter palm craft was taught to me by Anita Visoky of Ohio, USA.
The "palm cross" helps us to remember the sacrifice of the Easter Passion, throughout the year. Please, share this activity with your children as a way of celebrating Palm Sunday and pass on the tradition into the millenium.
There are other palm craft traditions in the world and I wonder if anyone can tell me about them. They are disappearing as time goes on. I am collecting palm weave craft ideas and the instructions. Even if you can not remember how to make them, perhaps you can describe an unusual design to me and I will research it. In the future I will re-create and illustrate the instructions, to share and to pass along at Easter time.
Palm Leaf Crown

PALM WEAVING CRAFT:Easter Crown of Thorns (small wreath)
Take one blade of palm frond and slide your fingernail along the thick "spine" of the leaf- slitting it length wise, about 1/8 to 1/4 inch in width.Do the same with the remaining part of the leaf blade shredding it into 1/8 or 1/4 inch wide ribbons.You will need one firm "ribbon" (coil of shredded leaf) from the spine of the leaf and three "ribbons" of the softer part of the palm leaf blade. ~~Trim them all to the same length-cutting at the blunt end.
HELPFUL HINT:~~Place the fresh palms you will be using for other "crowns" in a plastic bag. ~~Store them in the refrigerator or a cool place, to keep them pliable and easy to bend. ~~~~ You can also re-use dried palms by boiling them in water to soften. If you do, cool the palm blades until you are able to handle them and keep them moist while you are weaving. Dried palms do not keep well when stored in the refrigerator. They will mildew.
Secure the ends of all four pieces of leaf "ribbons" at one end in a clip (clothes pin, beige thread or clamp) or have someone hold the ends together firmly.
START: You are going to braid the three softer strands around the firmer strand of palm leaf "ribbon".
If you are right-handed try to place the stiffer "spine" piece (of palm leaf "ribbon"), second from the edge on the left of your bundle of four strips. ~~Reverse these directions for left-handed people if they find the braiding directions difficult to follow.
#1 strand starts on left of center "spine" ribbon (#2) and remains straight until it's turn to fold. ~~Hold these two strands firmly in your left hand (don't let go) and move your right hand to weave the other strands. ~~"Ribbon" #2 is the strand you will be weaving the other "ribbons" around. "Ribbon"#2 always remains straight- do not fold it.
Pull "ribbon" #3 out to the right side and leave it there.
Grab #4, fold it over #3, under the "spine"#2, then over #1 twist/curl it downward ----meanwhile at same time-with your left hand pushing it(see it has become #1 now) toward the center folding it over "spine"#2 and hold it out to the right (now it is in #3 position), while you are threading #4 over it --- (Notice all of the "ribbons" have changed positions to replace the "ribbon" that was in that position previously.) -----
Now grab the piece that is in #4 position. Twist/turn #4 piece down and over top of #3, moving toward the center, going down under the "spine"#2 and over the "ribbon" that is in position #1. Go past (over) #1, twist/turn in a "down and under motion" then moving toward the center and over #2 spine piece -- keeping moving it to the right--- when it is in place on the right side it becomes position #3. Hold it in place with your left hand.And so! the "ribbon" that was #4 (the one you have just woven) moved along crossed #3 and #2, becoming position #1, moving toward the right - crossed over #2 again and came to rest at position #3 and twisting over itself, it will start the next round as #4. Repeat the pattern (continuously) until you ALMOST run out of palm length.
~~~~Now bend your braid around in a circle so you can join both ends together. Position them so that the palm pieces will not slip loose and bind them together with some beige thread - finish it off with a square knot. ~~~~ You can tie both bundles (at each end of the braid length) together OR tie each end separately then bind all of them together to make a circle.
You may use those long, thin, curly palm threads that peeled off when you were shreading the palm blades into ribbons-- to bind the circle ends, too. Ms. Helen and I prefer using the thread to bind with.
To make the "thorns" - use scissors to cut (on an angle) small cuts 1/3 of the width of the "ribbon" ON A DIAGONAL to the length of the ribbon. ~~Make one cut in each outside loop of the braid. ~~Be careful! ~~Do not cut all the way through the ribbon - only 1/3 the width on a diagonal. ~~Do this all the way around the outer edge of the braid/crown. ~~Using your finger curl these tiny points "upward" and curl all of them in the same direction.
HELPFUL HINT: If the palms begin to dry out refresh them by soaking them in water. ~~Take them out and shake well to remove the excess water.
Tie a short length of purple, lavender or pink "satin" ribbon (Easter passion colors) over the bound ends of the crown to create a bow or make a square knot. ~~You are finished.
Some people like to leave the thin curly tips of the palm lengths dangle out from the one end of the palm crown. It is a personal preference. ~~You can make long purple ribbon tails or short ones. ~~I use short ribbons with the ends cut on an angle because that was the way I was taught. ~~Hang the crowns on the frames of religious pictures, crucifixes, statues, grave stones, etc... in a place of respect because the palms have been blessed.
This Easter palm craft was taught to me by Mrs. Helen Freeburger of Sacred Heart of Mary Church. The "crown of thorns" helps us to remember the sacrifice of the Easter Passion, throughout the year. Helen's wish. Please, pass this palm tradition on to future generations. Each year, try to teach one new person how to make the "crown of thorns" and help to preserve this traditional Easter craft into the next millenium.
There are other palm craft traditions in the world and I wonder if anyone can tell me about them. They are disappearing as time goes on. I am collecting palm weave craft ideas and the instructions. Even if you can not remember how to make them, perhaps you can describe an unusual design to me and I will research it. In the future I will re-create and illustrate the instructions, to share and to pass along at Easter time.
Pray For One Another
Diane Barnett - liver disease - needs transplant
Dick Cooper - back problems
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Sadie Edmondson's family
Bradley Erickson
Hank Faires - family/sympathy
Bill Houston Family
Dave & Amy Konkler
Annabelle Lane family
Teresa Lauer - in Honduras
Emma McCoy - recovering from surgery
Roger McMillen family
Nettie McDaniel - failing health/Alzheimer's-Nancy's Mother
Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
Rob Gwennap - Surgery - Robin's Brother
Pastor Rick & Nancy
Dick Smith - cancer
Donna Wilson & Family Sympathy
Sadie Reese
Linda Buzard - unspoken
Tammy Montgomery - fertility
M.G. - fertility
All unspoken requests
VBS and leaders: Stacey & Tonya Dodd
Kids attending church camp this summer
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth
All that pray for others
Dick Cooper - back problems
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Sadie Edmondson's family
Bradley Erickson
Hank Faires - family/sympathy
Bill Houston Family
Dave & Amy Konkler
Annabelle Lane family
Teresa Lauer - in Honduras
Emma McCoy - recovering from surgery
Roger McMillen family
Nettie McDaniel - failing health/Alzheimer's-Nancy's Mother
Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
Rob Gwennap - Surgery - Robin's Brother
Pastor Rick & Nancy
Dick Smith - cancer
Donna Wilson & Family Sympathy
Sadie Reese
Linda Buzard - unspoken
Tammy Montgomery - fertility
M.G. - fertility
All unspoken requests
VBS and leaders: Stacey & Tonya Dodd
Kids attending church camp this summer
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth
All that pray for others
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sunday 29th - LENTEN SERVICE - at Malta UMC 7:00pm. Speaker from Jews for Jesus
talking about Christ in the Passover and the Passover Sender.
Monday 30th - LADIES BIBLE STUDY - at Stockport UMC 10am & 7pm.
Wednesday 1st - Quilting in fellowship hall @ 10am
Thursday 2nd - BIBLE STUDY - Stockport UMC 7pm
BOARD MEETING - Stockport UMC at 8pm
Sunday 12th - SUNRISE SERVICE at Oakland UMC 7am
Thursday 7th - Work day at Stockport UMC at 10am
EASTER LILIES - Oakland UMC - Please have memorial Easter Lilies at Church by Saturday, April 11th. For additional information contact Darla Schwendman.
50TH ANNIVERSARY CARD SHOWER - for Kenny and Janice Baker on April 13th. Kenny was a former Pastor at Stockport/Oakland charge. Address: 229 E. Livingston Street Celina, Ohio 45822
Pizza Trailer Fund Raiser (for Ashley's Honduras Mission) in Stockport On April 17th and 18th from 3pm to 10pm. Please see Teresa Lauer if you can help.
MISSION TRIP - Teresa Lauer is trying to put together a mission team to go to Honduras. If interested, contact her at 559-2126.
Sunday 29th - LENTEN SERVICE - at Malta UMC 7:00pm. Speaker from Jews for Jesus
talking about Christ in the Passover and the Passover Sender.
Monday 30th - LADIES BIBLE STUDY - at Stockport UMC 10am & 7pm.
Wednesday 1st - Quilting in fellowship hall @ 10am
Thursday 2nd - BIBLE STUDY - Stockport UMC 7pm
BOARD MEETING - Stockport UMC at 8pm
Sunday 12th - SUNRISE SERVICE at Oakland UMC 7am
Thursday 7th - Work day at Stockport UMC at 10am
EASTER LILIES - Oakland UMC - Please have memorial Easter Lilies at Church by Saturday, April 11th. For additional information contact Darla Schwendman.
50TH ANNIVERSARY CARD SHOWER - for Kenny and Janice Baker on April 13th. Kenny was a former Pastor at Stockport/Oakland charge. Address: 229 E. Livingston Street Celina, Ohio 45822
Pizza Trailer Fund Raiser (for Ashley's Honduras Mission) in Stockport On April 17th and 18th from 3pm to 10pm. Please see Teresa Lauer if you can help.
MISSION TRIP - Teresa Lauer is trying to put together a mission team to go to Honduras. If interested, contact her at 559-2126.
Pray For One Another
Diane Barnett - liver disease, needs transplant
Randy Bebout - back surgery
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Roger McMillen - cancer, Donna Wilson's brother
Hank Faires
Teresa Lauer - traveling to Honduras
Nettie McDaniel - failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's mother
Mitchel Woodard - son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
Pastor Rick and Nancy
VBS leaders: Tonya Dodd & Stacey
Kids attending church camp this summer
Tammy Montgomery - Tonya's Sister -fertility
M.G. - fertility
Unspoken requests
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth.
Randy Bebout - back surgery
Dorothy Cooper - cancer
Roger McMillen - cancer, Donna Wilson's brother
Hank Faires
Teresa Lauer - traveling to Honduras
Nettie McDaniel - failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's mother
Mitchel Woodard - son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard
Pastor Rick and Nancy
VBS leaders: Tonya Dodd & Stacey
Kids attending church camp this summer
Tammy Montgomery - Tonya's Sister -fertility
M.G. - fertility
Unspoken requests
People that are looking for work and those unemployed
Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth.
Ben Evory is heading to Australia
This article appeared in the Pike County News Watchman paper this month. It tells of the trip Ben will take this summer. This will be a wonderful opportunity for him. We will have a love offering for Ben on Sunday April 5th as a way to show our love and support. Ben and his family now live at 209 East 2nd St. Waverly, Ohio 45690.
Ben Evory, an honor student at Waverly Junior High School has been accepted into the People to People Student Ambassador Program, an educational travel program founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Evory will explore Australia for 15 days beginning June 25, 2009 as a member of the Charleston, WV delegation. By participating in the exploring Australia itinerary, Evory will spend a day at an Australian School, live with an Aussie family during a farm stay in Queensland, observe the fragile ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef with a marine biologist while snorkeling in the pristine water, visit the Dreamtime Aboriginal Cultural Centre and learn about Australia's rich Aboriginal culture, swim at the Aquatic Centre, home of the 2000 Olympics swimming events, and cruise the Sydney Harbour. These are just a few of the places and things he will be able to experience. The group will also be doing a service project while in Australia.
Acceptance into the Student Ambassador Program is an honor. After being nominated by a teacher from his previous school (South Elementary in Morgan County), Evory submitted letters of recommendation and successfully completed an interview process. During the past several months, Evory has been attending orientation meetings with program leaders and fellow delegates to learn about the destination and prepare for the journey. The group will be met upon arrival by a local delegation manager who coordinates the cultural and recreational excursions and is familiar with local customs.
President Eisenhower founded People to People during his presidency in 1956 with citizen leaders including entertainer Bob Hope, Olympic champion Jesse Owens, amusement entrepreneur Walt Disney and Hallmark Cards founder Joyce Hall. Having served as a military commander, Eisenhower believed that ordinary citizens of different nations could make a difference where governments could not. People to People Student Ambassador Programs is based in Spokane, Washington, and has been coordinating educational travel for over 50 years.
Ben Evory, an honor student at Waverly Junior High School has been accepted into the People to People Student Ambassador Program, an educational travel program founded by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Evory will explore Australia for 15 days beginning June 25, 2009 as a member of the Charleston, WV delegation. By participating in the exploring Australia itinerary, Evory will spend a day at an Australian School, live with an Aussie family during a farm stay in Queensland, observe the fragile ecosystem of the Great Barrier Reef with a marine biologist while snorkeling in the pristine water, visit the Dreamtime Aboriginal Cultural Centre and learn about Australia's rich Aboriginal culture, swim at the Aquatic Centre, home of the 2000 Olympics swimming events, and cruise the Sydney Harbour. These are just a few of the places and things he will be able to experience. The group will also be doing a service project while in Australia.
Acceptance into the Student Ambassador Program is an honor. After being nominated by a teacher from his previous school (South Elementary in Morgan County), Evory submitted letters of recommendation and successfully completed an interview process. During the past several months, Evory has been attending orientation meetings with program leaders and fellow delegates to learn about the destination and prepare for the journey. The group will be met upon arrival by a local delegation manager who coordinates the cultural and recreational excursions and is familiar with local customs.
President Eisenhower founded People to People during his presidency in 1956 with citizen leaders including entertainer Bob Hope, Olympic champion Jesse Owens, amusement entrepreneur Walt Disney and Hallmark Cards founder Joyce Hall. Having served as a military commander, Eisenhower believed that ordinary citizens of different nations could make a difference where governments could not. People to People Student Ambassador Programs is based in Spokane, Washington, and has been coordinating educational travel for over 50 years.
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