Monday, May 11, 2009

Pray For One Another

Diane Barnett - liver disease-needs transplant

Dorothy Cooper - cancer

Dick Smith - cancer - Faye Richard's brother

Sadie Reese - cancer - Rob Brokaw's fiancee

Dick Cooper - back

Christy Raines - recovering from surgery and brain cyst was benign, continued remission from leukemia

Tillie West - falling

Dylan Welsh - recovering from fall

Trishelle Taylor - recovering from knee surgery

Nettie McDaniel-failing health/Alzheimer's - Nancy's mother

Mitchel Woodard - Son of Jeremy & Echo Woodard

Tim Matheney - cancer

Tammy Montgomery - fertility

M.G. - fertility

Amy Konkler Family - Sympathy

Al Ratcliff - cancer and his family-Tonya's friends

Graduates of 2009

Cole Dilley

Janelle - Carol's Daughter

Louise Armstrong - heart attack

VBS and leaders - Stacey and Tonya Dodd

Sunday School - teachers and the youth Ashley Lauer - traveling

Linda Buzzard - unspoken

Youth that will be attending church camp

People that are looking for work and those unemployed

Nations leaders, our Government and Elected Officials, our Pastors and their families, our Military, our Laity Leaders, our Churches and our Youth.

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